AWRA 2014 Annual Conference

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개발자: KitApps, Inc.
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The 2014 conference marks AWRAs 50th anniversary. On this auspicious occasion, it is timely to reflect on the state of water resources management in the United States: What was the state of water management when AWRA was formed? How has water management evolved as AWRA has matured into a premier water resources organization? What challenges and opportunities lay ahead for water management, for AWRA, and the water resources profession? Come and discover new solutions for your organization.

This App provides the following functionality:

•Detailed schedule with ability to create personal notifications

•Create your profile and post to public message board or send private messages to colleagues and new contacts.

•Twitter Feed for AWRA Annual Conference (#AWRA2014 and #AWRA50) and @AWRAHQ

•Connect and post to your Social Media (LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook)

•Speakers list with detailed info

•Map with routing functionality

•Contact AWRA Staff